Recipes for a Healthy Life

JUICING CHANGED MY LIFE! Seriously though, it really did. After almost 40 years of sugar addiction, JUICING WAS KEY TO TRANSFORMING MY CRAVINGS AND BREAKING MY ADDICTION. Juicing doesn’t bog your digestive track with tons of fiber but gives your body the chance to absorb a concentrated level of nutrients and satiate the deficit that causes cravings. Whether you go to a juicery (a lot more expensive) or juice at home (not expensive after the initial investment of a juicer), it’s SO worth it! There are tons of things you can juice, but the carrot juice recipe below is my favorite. While I was kicking cancer’s butt (along with reading, praying and declaring the healing promises of God’s Word over my body daily) I drank around 32 ounces of this recipe daily. My beloved husband juiced this carrot juice recipe for me everyday (yes, everyday!) for over a year during my journey through cancer! While I no longer drink it everyday, if I find myself craving sugar, I know it’s time to juice. Doing so, satiates my deficiencies and gets me back on track. Drink it alone, or put it in the blender with spinach or kale to add greens/fiber, or enjoy it with a yummy, organic, planted-based meal (salad, roasted veggies, etc). When juicing, make sure you consume the juice within 12-24 hours (enzymes die off by then) or you can make extra and freeze it. If you’re juicing (or blending smoothies) during chemotherapy or any other circumstance with a compromised immune system, use only organic ingredients, wash thoroughly, and check with your integrative medical doctor first.

“He satisfies my mouth with good things so that my youth is renewed like the eagles.” Psalm 103:5


MY FAVORITE DETOX SMOOTHIE! [Anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-dementia/Alzheimer’s...]

8oz. Purified water
Juice of 1 lime
1/3-1/2C Cucumber
1C Frozen Pineapple
1-2 Handful(s) of Spinach
1 Tsp. Virgin Coconut oil or Avocado oil
Blend. Enjoy!


MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE (and healthiest!) smoothie! Enjoy!


Water & Meat of one young coconut
Plus whatever you want!!*

Today I added:

Spinach (handful)
1C Frozen Pineapple
1T Chia Seeds
1-2 Fresh Kiwi
Juice from 1 Lime

*You can add Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Pomegranate, Oranges, Apples, Mango, Hempseeds, Flaxseed, or whatever (you’re in the mood for!) with the fresh coconut water/meat and you’ll have a POWERHOUSE meal!

Tip: Use medical grade, silicone tubing (available on Amazon) for customizable, non-toxic, durable, bendable straws! Win-win!!


SHE’S NOT PRETTY TO LOOK AT but she packs a punch! (And tastes good!) This smoothie is yummy and dense with nutrients! Sometimes I add the fizz tablet of greens (Super 8 is my fave brand) - that boosts the nutrition even more and makes it sweeter. Today, I had one of these for breakfast with the fizzy tablet and one for lunch without it. This is a fast and easy smoothie if you have juice made & frozen ahead of time. I used the carrot/beet juice I made (and froze) earlier this week. Enjoy!!

“You satisfy my mouth with good things and renew my youth as the eagles.” Ps.103:5

[In a Blender/Vitamixer, blend:]

1C Fresh Carrot juice (recipe below)
1-2 Handful(s) Fresh spinach
1-2 Tsp. Chia Seeds
1 pk Super Orange Emergen-C (LivOn liposomal vitamin C packets are a much better choice but more expensive)
1 Tablet of Greens (optional)

[Use a juicer not a blender]

7-15 Carrots (about 1.5 pounds)
1-2 Lemons (more if desired)
1” Fresh Ginger (optional or more if desired)
1 Green Apple or small Orange or beet (optional)
1 stick Celery (optional)
[Optional: Freeze individual servings in glass jars. Be sure to leave extra space in jar as freezing causes expansion of contents.]

🌟TIP: I freeze my bags of fresh spinach. That way they lasts longer and the smoothie turns out colder.



“You satisfy my mouth with GOOD things and renew my youth as the eagles.” Psalm 103:5 💝
Purified Water (8oz)
Half Banana
2 Tangerines
2 Kiwi
2/3 - 1C Frozen Berries
Spinach (Handful)
1/3-1/2C Frozen Blueberries
1Tsp each Hemp & Chia seeds
1 Super Orange flavor Emergen-C packet (LivOn liposomal vitamin C packets are a much better choice but more expensive)