Facing an Impossible Situation?

Are you facing a seemingly impossible situation? Scripture gives many great examples of men and women who found themselves smack in the middle of life and death circumstances; the odds were so stacked against them that the situation was securely deemed hopeless. From Daniel in the lions’ den to Sarah’s barrenness. From David facing Goliath to Jonah in the belly of the whale. From the Israelites firmly enslaved in Egypt to standing at the Red Sea with no way of escape. God delights in making a way where there seems to be no way. He did it all throughout Scripture and He’s still working miracles today. I’m living proof! When the children of Israel were delivered out of Egypt, God deliberately positioned them at the edge of the Red Sea with the Egyptian army in hot pursuit behind them. [Exodus 14]. The Israelites had no way to fight and nowhere to run. The last thing on their radar was that God would literally part the Red Sea and then, right before their very eyes, He would destroy their enemies - the most powerful army in the world! Have you ever felt like you were in that position? The odds are stacked against you and you see no way of escape. Your circumstances are beyond your control and you see nothing but death and destruction for your future. Before God did the impossible by parting the Red Sea , He allowed all of man’s efforts to be completely exhausted before showing His mighty hand of power and love to His children (and to their enemies!). Though it seemed like God had abandoned them, He was right there, ready to display His power on their behalf. God had brought His children out of Egypt to lead them into freedom, not to destroy them at the hands of their enemies. Just as He had His hand upon the Israelites that day, so God has a plan for your life. That plan is designed for His glory to be made manifest in your circumstances. No matter your circumstances, look to Him. He longs to show you His love and faithfulness. Even if you’ve been running from God and living in disobedience to His Word, He is ready to give you a new start. The Israelites were in slavery because of their rebellion against God. But when they cried out to God in repentance, He heard their cry. He’s still hearing the cries of His children today. Surrender everything to Him - not just the circumstances, but all of you. Pray and read the Bible (if you don’t have one, get the Bible App), seek His direction for you life, and then obey Him. When we live for Him and not for ourselves, He delights in providing our every need. And He never does it the same way twice. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Do not fear. He’s got you. As long as you still have breath, your story isn’t over yet. In fact, this may be just the beginning! He is able!

“Jesus looked at them and said,

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

[Matthew 19:26 (NIV)]

“Do not fear, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, or anxiously look about you, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you, surely I will help you. Surely, I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”


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